Currently in Boston — July 11th, 2024: Clearing skies

Plus, independent climate journalism needs your support, now more than ever

The weather, currently.

Clearing skies

Most of the shower activity missed us on Wednesday and now although there's the slight chance for a shower for Thursday morning we are looking at basically clearing skies.

It will be somewhat less humid but still muggy. Temperatures will reach the mid 80s.

I think most areas will stay under 90° — a break in what has been an official three or four day heat wave depending on where you are. On Friday, clouds will return as another weather system moves up from the Atlantic and brings showers Friday night into early Saturday with a return to hot weather for the second half of the weekend.

What you can do, currently.

A Media Matters analysis found that last year — the hottest calendar year on record — network coverage of climate actually declined in the US. What’s worse, just 12% of reports about climate change mentioned fossil fuels as the driving cause. The media still reported on extreme weather, but stopped short of making the climate connection.

Independent climate journalism like Currently is needed more than ever. And this year, with all of these weather warnings already underway, we’ll unfortunately have plenty of opportunities to do better.