Currently in Boston — August 19, 2024: Unsettled Monday

Plus, independent climate journalism needs your support, now more than ever

The weather, currently.

Humid Monday, Cooler Midweek

A slow moving frontal system will bring a chance of showers and perhaps a few thunderstorms to the area before drier and cooler air arrives later Tuesday.

It will not rain all day Monday, but there is the chance for a few showers and storms throughout the day especially coming in two rounds one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It will become very humid with the air feeling tropical as highs reach 75-80. It will be warm and muggy Monday night, but by Tuesday morning it turns cooler and drier with lowering dew points in the 50s and temperatures only approaching 70.

There will still be a lot of clouds on Tuesday, but sunshine returns the rest of the week with a moderating trend.

-Dave Epstein

What you can do, currently.

A Media Matters analysis found that last year — the hottest calendar year on record — network coverage of climate actually declined in the US. What’s worse, just 12% of reports about climate change mentioned fossil fuels as the driving cause. The media still reported on extreme weather, but stopped short of making the climate connection.

Independent climate journalism like Currently is needed more than ever. And this year, with all of these weather warnings already underway, we’ll unfortunately have plenty of opportunities to do better.